Female Performance Training

As well as the obvious sports performance benefits, high performance training improves posture, confidence, body image, pelvic floor, bone density, optimises weight and is fun. However, less than 3% of all exercise research science is based on females.

Female Performance Training2023-07-05T08:27:20+01:00

Axe throwing

Are you ready to channel your wild warrior? This brand-new, hour long experience is not just the perfect stress-reliever but bags of fun. Get ready to enjoy the thrill of flinging an axe at a target in the great outdoors, as you aim for the all-important bullseye.

Axe throwing2023-11-06T14:39:23+00:00

Why is an obstacle course the best form of exercise?

The obstacle course includes all the areas of total body fitness, including strength, core stability, balance, power, speed, endurance, cardio and flexibility and posture.

Why is an obstacle course the best form of exercise?2023-06-12T15:03:34+01:00

My Uncommon Sense Approach to Health and Performance

Common sense, says fitness expert Ollie Martin, leads to fear and guilt. Uncommon sense empowers you to live a vital, ecstatic life. Here, he explains his uncommon sense approach, and why it's important to draw on our evolutionary roots when assessing modern-day health information.

My Uncommon Sense Approach to Health and Performance2022-09-12T18:52:39+01:00

Barefoot running – the naked truth

It may seem counter-intuitive, but exercising/moving (including running) barefoot is more efficient and puts less impact through the body than wearing shoes or trainers. If you fancy giving it a go, this blog by Ollie Martin is a must-read.

Barefoot running – the naked truth2022-07-28T11:16:18+01:00

Born to run – while avoiding the pitfalls

WildFit Surrey founder Ollie Martin says running can be life-transforming and discusses why all runners should work on overall fitness to avoid injuries and weakness.

Born to run – while avoiding the pitfalls2022-07-26T10:37:04+01:00

Maximise the benefits of exercising in the open air

WildFit Surrey founder Ollie Martin says we spend too much time indoors. Here he explains how to maximise the benefits of exercising in the open air and why it gets better results.

Maximise the benefits of exercising in the open air2022-06-06T13:10:11+01:00

My WildFit Surrey

Sports therapist Alex, 57, started working with Ollie at WildFit Surrey two years ago. Here she shares how training at WildFit Surrey has helped her develop a whole range of health and well-being benefits.

My WildFit Surrey2022-06-06T14:21:01+01:00
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