I the undersigned (and a parent/guardian of any children listed below) acknowledge and accept that;

  • The risk of injury from the activities involved with the obstacle course is possible, including (but not limited to) the following; sprains, strains, fractures, heat and cold injuries, over-use injuries, animal bites/stings. Whilst WildFit Surrey has robust systems and processes in place to mitigate this, the risk of injury does exist.
  • After opportunity to fully inform myself about the obstacle course circuits & other activities, I knowingly accept all such risks exist – and assume responsibility for my participation in the obstacle course circuits.
  • Upon receipt of a verbal safety briefing from the WildFit Surrey instructors, I confirm that I understand and will adhere to all of its content during my participation in the obstacle course circuits and other activities.
  • I attest and verify that I am free from all illnesses and injuries that could interfere with my safe participation in the obstacle course circuits, and that I am sufficiently prepared to participate in all activities associated with the obstacle course circuits & other activities.
  • My participation in the obstacle course circuits including each obstacle, activity and exercise is entirely voluntary.
  • If I observe any unusual and/or significant hazard during my presence/participation, I will remove myself and bring such hazard to the attention of the nearest instructor.
  • I certify that I am not under the influence of any alcohol or other intoxicants of any kind, that could inhibit my ability to participate. It is not the responsibility of WildFit Surrey to assess or test as to whether I am in any way intoxicated.
  • I consent to administration of first aid (by a first aid-trained instructor) in the event of injury or illness during the event.
  • If signing for children below I confirm they are 10 years old or over.
  • Unless I make it known to the contrary prior to the session commencing, I give consent for any photos or videos taken by instructors during the event to be used by WildFit Surrey on their website and social media channels.


    Event code/date:

    Participant Name:

    Telephone number:


    Emergency Contact Name:

    Emergency Contact Telephone:

    (Optional) To be completed if you are the parent/guardian of any under 18’s participating:
    Please include all children's names

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